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What is Lobular Carcinoma in situ (LCIS)?

Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS) is a carcinoma which arises and limited to the cells lining the milk-producing glands of the breast

How is it diagnosed?

LCIS is mostly asymptomatic and is diagnosed most commonly in biopsies taken from the breast. As it does not produce the characteristic calcification's, it is not easily seen on a mammogram.

What is the significance of LCIS?

Patients who have LCIS are more prone to develop an invasive carcinoma of the breast(30-40%) when compared to those who do not have LCIS (12.5%). Those who develop invasive carcinoma of the breast develop it over a long period from the onset of LCIS (around 10 to 15 years)

How is Lobular Carcinoma in situ treated?

As the LCIS are seen in multiple areas of the breast and as they develop into cancers after a long period, no specific treatment is needed other than regular followup.

How is followup done for LCIS?

Regular followup is needed for patients who have LCIS and this is done by

  • Monthly self-examination of the breast
  • Examination by the doctor every six months
  • Mammography screening once every year