Chairman & Head of the Department

Prof. S. Rajasekaran
M.S, DNB, F.R.C.S.(Ed), M.Ch(Liv), F.A.C.S, F.R.C.S.(Eng), Ph.D,
Chairman, Dept of Orthopaedic, Trauma & Spine Surgery
Dr Rajasekaran had a brilliant academic career and was the ‘Best outgoing student’ of Coimbatore Medical College and stood first in the University of Madras in the orthopaedic post-graduate examinations. He was awarded the Khazenifer Gold Medal and Norman Roberts Medal for best performance during his M.Ch exams in Liverpool, UK. He completed his Ph.D in 2000.
He has special interest in spine surgery, arthroplasty and clinical research in spine and major trauma. He has led the unit’s basic science research in spinal deformities, disc nutrition and biology and genetics of disc degeneration which have been recognised with numerous awards and published in international journals. He was also instrumental in the evolution of ‘Ganga Hospital Open Injury Severity Score’ which guides critical decisions in saving and reconstructing severely injured limbs.
He has also been passionate about road safety and preventing unnecessary loss of lives on roads with the successful PIL in the Supreme Court and also being the Managing Trustee of UYIR, an NGO for road safety in Coimbatore city.
Academic Positions
Chairman, Dept of Orthopaedics & Spine Surgery, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore.
Adjunct Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University.
Hunterian Professor by the Royal College of Surgeons of England for the year 2011-12
Leadership in Professional Bodies
Current Positions
President, Asia Pacific Spine Society 2021 - 2022
Past President
Chair, AOSpine International Board 2019 - 2021
President - SICOT 2016 - 2018
President- Cervical Spine Research Society-AP, 2017-2018
Chair, International Research Commission- AOSpine, 2015 - 2017
President - Indian Orthopaedic Association 2011-2012.
President - International Society for the Study of Lumbar Spine, Canada, 2011 - 2012
President - Association of Spine Surgeons of India, 2008 - 2012
President - Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association, 2012
Examiner in Orthopaedic Surgery for
The National Board of Examinations, New Delhi.
DY Patil Deemed University, Pune.
National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
Other Academic Distinctions
‘Distinguished Visitor’ to Harvard Medical International, Boston, USA ,2007.
‘Grand Rounds Lecturer’ of Mayo Hospital, USA, 2010.
‘Distinguished Visitor’ to Hokaido University, Japan, 2007.
‘Distinguished Visitor’ to Chinese University of Hong Kong ,2006.
‘Distinguished Visitor’ to Dartmouth University, USA ,2005.
Past Member of Faculty of Medicine, Annamalai University
Past Member of the Planning Board, Bharathiar University.
Current Member of Board of Studies, Bharathiar University
Member of Specialists Board in Spine Surgery, National Board of Examinations, New Delhi
International Awards:
NASS Outstanding Paper Award, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022
ISSLS Spine Research Award 2004, 2010, 2012, 2017 & 2023
ISSLS Best Clinical Science and Basic Science Award – 2021
SICOT Pioneer Award 2022 - Best Research Paper Awards
SICOT Research Award 2021 - Best Basic Science Paper
Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association – Best Presentation AwardInfection Category– 2021
Cited in Top 2% of world scientists contributing to orthopaedic surgery by the Stanford University group, USA from 2020 to 2022
Asia Pacific Spine Society Best Clinical Research Award for 2019
Asia Pacific Spine Journal Award for Best Clinical Paper for 2019.
Asia Pacific Spine Society Basic Science Research Award for 2019
Asia Pacific Spine Journal Award for Best Basic Science Paper for 2019
Hunterian Professorship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2012
Walter P. Blount Humanitarian Award, Scoliosis Research Society, USA -2015
EuroSpine Open Paper Award 2008
Honorary Fellowship, Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2010
ISSLS Macnab La Rocca Award 2005, 2014
ISSLS Sofamer Danek Award 1996, 2002, 2006
Harvard Medical International Award, 2007
National Awards
JC Bose Lifetime Achievement Award 2023 by Indian Science Monitor
ASSI Clinical Research Award 2022
CME Dronacharya Award 2021 for continuous education of Doctors across India
ASSI Basic Science Award -2020
ASSI Publication Award – 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022
ASSI Clinical Research Grant Award 2019
Lifetime Achievement award 2019 by COS
Hari Om Ashram Alembic Research 2017.
Golden Jubilee Research Award IOA 2010
MCI Silver Jubilee Research Award 2002
Tamilnadu Government Scientist Award 2000
ASSI Research Awards 2005,06,07,08,09,10,14
ASSI Publication Award 2013 to 2016, 2018
Hari Om Ashram Alembic Research Award 2004
International Journal Positions
Deputy Editor of The Bone & Joint Surgery, USA
Deputy Editor of the Journal of SPINE, USA
Deputy Editor of Global Spine Journal, USA
Deputy Editor of SPINE
Deputy Editor of Journal of Craniovertebral surgery
Past Deputy Editor of European Spine Journal
Distinguished International Visiting Professorship:
Dartmouth university, USA, 2005.
Chinese University of Hongkong, 2006.
Hokaido University, Japan, 2007.
Harvard Medical International, USA, 2008.
Literature Contributions:
Dr Rajasekaran has 291 publications in international journals, 70 national publications and 462 international and 537 national presentations.
He has also contributed 65 chapters in international books.
Chief Editor of a Video Atlas of Spine Surgery.
Chief Editor of ASSI Textbook on Spinal Infections & Trauma.
Guest Editor, Trauma Section, Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma